Thursday, July 30, 2009


Dear Internet,

This is the view from where I'm spending the week:

I took that picture with my cell phone; you can imagine how wonderful it is in reality.

So you see, I have very little use for you right now, dear internet. But don't worry, I'll be back on Monday, and I'll be addicted to you again.

The weather is here, wish you were beautiful,
post signature

P.S. Apparently I write blog posts in letter format now. Hmmm... It won't last.

1 comment:

joejones said...

Dear Hope,

I like it when you speak to me in traditional letter structure. You don't have to write to me in this manner all the time, but if you do this more frequently I will enjoy it.

Hope you're enjoying the beach. Wish I had a body. Then, I too could go enjoy the beach.

the Internet