Monday, August 3, 2009

VACATION? Yes, please.

I spent the past week at the beach and I accomplished several important things:

1. I made some serious decisions about my future. But I'm a jerk and will not write about them on this blog until they're for sure. Heh.

2. I read Twilight.

3. I watched the movie. ::Swwwooooooon :: Robert Pattinson, you make me feel better about my pale skin, you are such a YUMMY vampire.

4. Then I read New Moon.

5. Then I read Eclipse.

6. Tonight I'll start the 4th installment and I don't even know the name of it because I love these books so much I don't care at all what they're called I just keep readingandreadingandreadingand dear God, WRITE ANOTHER ONE, STEPHENIE MEYER! (Seriously, I spent 30 minutes today Googling pictures of the vampire cast. I didn't even do crap like that when I was 13. Which is, by the way, the age of my sister, who is the one to blame for wanting to read these books in the first place. And also my mom, who wanted to know if the vampires were evil or not and therefore if my sister should read the books at all, but didn't want to read the books herself, so she FORCED me to sit on the beach and read them in a 72 hour period. After I fell in looooove, she decided to read them too, and is obviously now addicted. But THEN she tried to steal said 4th book from me last night while I was busy SPRINTING to the bathroom, just after returning from the beach. But I stopped her with my lightning fast reflexes and 6th sense for catching Vampire Book Thieves. I'll bet you big bucks the book is NOT where I left it when I return home from work today. As though going to a bookstore would be more difficult than breaking in to snoop through my gargantuan book collection.)

7. This post is becoming less about the beach and more about absurdly long parenthetical statements.

8. I did The Shred once. Hey, better once than never right? (What's that you say? That's not the phrase? Yeah, right. Of course it is.)

9. I ran on the beach once. THAT is a feat. For me, running anywhere other than on an elliptical machine in a supremely air-conditioned gym with an iPod in my hand and ESPN on the flatscreen TV in front of me, is just not worthwhile. Running outside is like a waste of a workout. Half the reason I work out without my hot-ass boyfriend to look at without his shirt on is because of the endorphins. I feel so much happier after a good sweat. But when I run outside, my thoughts go like this: I HATE running. My back hurts. I need a better sports bra. I hate this. It's so hot...I hate this. I hate this. Can't...breathe...hate...hate...HAAAAATE!!!!! .::fall down dead::. So you see why running on the beach for about one-half of a mile is cause for much celebration in my world.

10. I ate like hell: full blown sweet tea (how I have missed you, Heaven's Nectar), biscuits & gravy, Calabash-style fried scallops, fried crab cakes, hush puppies, homemade key lime pie, fudgesicles (a seaside staple), homemade fudge, homemade margaritas, homemade BUTTER (no lie, this stuff is the shiiiiizzzzzz)... I could go on and on but just writing about this stuff is not only making my mouth water, but also making my belly pooch out of my Spanx and that just defeats of the whole purpose, don't you think?

11. I had a lot of time to reflect and figure things out and when I'm in the mood to be a little more serious, I'll write about those things. But for now, enjoy some more Edward Cullen. Yes, please indeed!

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Leslie Ruth Petree said...

1. Jerk. {Grin}


3. I'm with you, serious swoonage when Robby P comes on screen. But Kristen Stewart? They should've gotten rid of her after the first flick. Such a wimp, not how I pictured Bella from the book at all.

4. Well, of course.

5. Uh huh, preach, girl.

6. When I read the last one and got to the last chapter, I put it down for three days JUST BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT IT TO END.

And tell your mom to step off.

7. If someone has a problem with long parenthetical statements {and really, do you want to be friends with that sort of person anyway?} they clearly haven't embraced the joy of the stream of consciousness {a fabulous writing tool, in my opinion} and all of its marvelous delights.

8. You have my full support in the "Once and I'm Out" method when it comes to that thing.

9. "Half the reason I work out without my hot-ass boyfriend to look at without his shirt on is because of the endorphins." And this is why I love you.

10. I couldn't be prouder.

11. Yummers.


Hope Noelle said...

Ohhhhh you make me LAUGH :)