Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm gonna talk politics & religion now.

There's a lot of rather historical legislation happening right now and frankly I'd rather talk about that than Tiger Woods & his indiscretions.

(Although, question: What's the difference between Santa Claus and Tiger Woods? ..... Answer: Santa stops after 3 "hos.")

On Friday, the House passed an overhaul of Wall Street regulatory legislation that's designed to prevent more "high-risk" companies from failing and thus potentially destroying the American economy with their desire for more money and more Christmas dinner parties in Vegas and maybe one of Tiger Woods' hoes for dessert.

{Oh no, I didn't say I wouldn't be opinionated. If there's one thing I have, it's an OPINION.}

Anyway, they're calling this the most ambitious financial regulation rewrite since the New Deal. But I wasn't really around before the New Deal, or during it for that matter, which is why I don't have a huge point of reference for how big the change is going to be. Oh!, and also because I have no idea what the financial regulations are right now, and my work is not even a little bit related to finance other than the fact that because I have a job, I also have finances. So naturally I'm writing about this EPIC legislation with great authority and seriousness.

More to the Point

In the midst of debating these new regulations, the health care shenanigans, the President sending 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan just 9 days before accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, all of the sudden the American populace is discovering that ---THIS JUST IN--- President Barack Obama is HUMAN.

Goooooooooood golly, Miss Molly! You hadn't heard?!

About this time last year, the United States was buzzing with hope. Hope for the future of our country, hope for further breakdown of racial barriers, hope for change, and hope for the rest of Obama's campaign slogans to become daily realities. This Democratic campaign was so different, so current, and so terribly relevant to so many Americans that in retrospect, it really isn't any large wonder that Obama triumphed.

We thought he would save us.

When we expect a broken human being, or even a political process created by broken human beings, to be our savior? We'll be disappointed to the greatest extent.

This is crucial to understand. We live in a culture that values the political process more highly than most anything else. American culture is deeply rooted in placing a lot of stock in things like freedom of speech, and so we value debate and we call laws ambiguous, and we try with desperation to change things to fit our own ideals.

When one way doesn't work, we assume the other way will fix the problem. And so when President Obama was elected, he looked so different, literally & figuratively, than anyone we had seen before, we thought he must be the one who will save us.

What We Need

I fear our culture easily overlooks the fact that we do not need saving from the Republican or Democratic parties. We do not need saving from the health care system or the corporate giants and their executive's salaries. We do not need saving from our jobs or our relationships or our policies.

We need saving from our brokenness, our sin. We need saving from our humanity and all its frail failures. We are fallen people, in desperate need of redemption.

Regardless of your politics or your culture or your beliefs or your background,

two things are true for us all:

1. we are broken,


2. we need a Savior.

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