Friday, November 6, 2009

time for a letter to the Internet

Dear Internet,

I'm sorry I have forsaken you. I've just so been busy doing things like scheduling 100 people for day-long film shoots and attending conferences where I "learned" that blogs are not dead (ummmm, okay, thanks), twitter is great and email marketers think Gen-Y kiddos spend more time on email than facebook (#EPICFAIL). In other words, Internet Summit 2009 left me with very little takeaway. And now I'm feeling snarky.

Also, I would like to redesign you, Blog. Well, have you redesigned. I'm over trying to be a mom blog when I'm not a mom.

Thankssomuch (kiss on cheek, kiss on other cheek),

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1 comment:

Leslie Ruth Petree said...

I'm pretty sure my friend Sharon can help you in the blog redesign department. She's fantastic!