Wednesday, August 26, 2009

For God So Loved Silk Ties

I'm still really struggling with this whole writing-what-I-really-want-to-write-on-my-blog thing. That is to say, sometimes, I just want to post really shallow stuff or things that I find hilarious that have little to do with anything at all. But when I write somewhat serious, but definitely weirdly-phrased posts, like that last one, LOTS more people show up on this little corner of the internet. And by "LOTS" I mean about 10 more than usual.

Anyway, here's my point: my Grandma Jean died last Saturday at age 81 and today was her funeral. I'm exhausted from these few days so right now, I have to tell you that one of the pastors who did the funeral service today, wore this very tie:

For you heathens out there, that's John 3:16. You could say that man wore the Gospel on his sleeve, so everyone could see it and be saved! Yippee! Or you could sit in the second row of your Grandma's funeral and stiffle a giggle.

Now before you go saying I'm going to hell (Though seriously? If I were gonna go to hell based on what comes out of my mouth, I'm loooong screwed), over the past few days my eyes have been opened to some pretty cool stuff-- or maybe it's more accurate to say that my heart has been opened to good ol' Southern Baptists. It's hard to hate on people who can love like that.

But I'll tell y'all about that later.

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